One particular night, I dreamed of a human blowing an angel on the bathroom floor. He had curly hair and big eyes and was only doing it to make his ex-boyfriend, a different angel, jealous. I can still picture it, his head tilted a bit to the side to peek around the angel’s hip, eyes focused on his ex-boyfriend’s face just a few feet behind the angel, smirk threatening to tug on his lips. I was so captivated by these two that I just had to write about them. Why did they break up? They’re clearly not over each other.
To make it clear, the religion here is pagan, which is to say there isn’t one. The concept of angels and demons is explored, but there are some completely made up creatures in here as well. This is far more Lovecraftian than literally anything else. Still, in researching the hierarchy of angels for a better grasp of the aesthetic I’m going for, I kept running into the name Nathaniel, which means gift of god and is often referred to as the angel of fire. Now, who would be a more perfect match for him than the bringer of fire himself?